I hope you have all had a Happy Thanksgiving.
I have been feeling thankful for many things, some of which I will share with you here. I feel thankful for my freedom, prosperity and good fortune in general, which are not the result of my own actions and are not earned by me nor deserved by me to any greater degree than anyone else. I am thankful to have the things necessary for survival; a roof over my head, clothing, food and medical care. I am thankful for the things I have beyond the necessities; the luxury that allows me to have the time and the means to, among other things, knit just about whatever I wish for the simple pleasure of it. I am particularly thankful, however, for my loved ones, for being able to spend another cherished year with them.
I had a most pleasant Thanksgiving meal with my family, though not uneventful. In the process of preparing that meal I had a small mishap with a carving knife and cut my finger. It was a small enough injury that I was able to bandage it up and join everyone for supper before heading off to the urgent care clinic for a bit of
Dermabond and a tetanus shot. I returned in time for pumpkin pie.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to do any knitting or other handwork until it has healed. I'm afraid I won't be able to get the second sleeve of my nephew's sweater knitted in time to be shipped to Canada for Christmas. I will ship the other gifts right away, and then send the sweater along later.

Here is a photo of the stitch markers I have made for the
Switch Marker Swap. This is not a secret swap, so I am posting the photo right now. They have all been safely shipped out and are on their way to my swap buddies all over the country.
I didn't make them all at once, I worked on them as I had the free time over a period of 6-8 weeks. As a result, they are not all the same, they are each a unique creation. I like doing it this way; with a bit of time in between each set, I can be inspired in different ways and by different sources for each one.
I do hope my swap buddies enjoy the markers I've made for them!