This baby sweater is finished. I thought it would need interesting buttons, but I was mistaken; simple pearl buttons in a matching shade of bubble gum pink look just fine with the textured stitch pattern. This pattern is from Pingouin layette book #98.
Preparations for moving continue apace. I can't believe how much junk has accumulated in this house. I have made many, many trips to donate useful things that we don't really need and I keep finding more. Will it ever end?

We are having an extraordinarily beautiful spring this year. With the above-average rainfall we've had this winter in California, we are having more spring flowers than usual as well. My yard is filled with little blue lupines and monkey flowers. All around us the bright orange poppies have begun blooming, enticing us out to enjoy the weather when we can.
It's the beginning of the season for knitting in public out-of-doors!
I hope you all enjoy these lovely spring days in your neck of the woods.