It has been a really busy month. With little time to post lately, I have a backlog of finished projects to share. Better get to it then!

On the left is the blue Baby Surprise Jacket I've been working on, all finished with buttons and even a matching hat. This goes into my gift stash-that's my collection of finished items made for the fun of it and not for a particular person. Very handy for those last-minute shower invitations.
On the right is my finished February sweater set. One 140-gram ball of Lion Baby Soft made the sweater, bonnet and socks. How convenient is that?
Both of these sweater patterns are by Elizabeth Zimmermann.

Here is the group of wool baby hats and socks I'm donating to
afghans for Afghans this month (photo, left). They are going out in the mail today. It was a lot of fun playing with color combinations and making something useful at the same time. So much more satisfying than swatches, don't you think? See my previous post
here for pattern info.
On the right is another wool hat, this one for my youngest. Who can resist those dangling carrots? This pattern is in the book
Knit Hats! which I found at my local library.

Finally, here's a group of child-sized washcloths. Once again I used
Abigail's 4-Corners dishcloth
pattern, altered to make a smaller sized cloth. Following the general procedure in the pattern, I cast on 12 stitches and short-row decreased down to 3 stitches for each quadrant.
I used a combination of ombred and solid colored worsted-weight cotton yarn for these. I picked an ombred yarn to set the color scheme then chose solids accordingly. I just love the stripey goodness!
I know I've done this before. Am I becoming predictable?