Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Yarn Peep Show

Rowan Felted Tweed in BilberryMy local yarn shop recently had a drawing for a hefty gift certificate. To my immense surprise I won that drawing. See what I chose to spend that gift certificate on!

In the photo at left, Rowan Felted Tweed in Bilberry. Delicious rich purple that just happens to match my new fall outfit. I want to make a simple chanel-style jacket with this. Mmmmmm. Yummy.

Grab bag of pink yarnsSo of course while I was there picking out my prize I found the grab bags in the back of the shop, and the new sock yarns.

I just couldn't resist the one grab bag of wild pinks and purples (photo at right). The one color range that is in such short supply in my stash. The colors I need for handknits for the little girls in my family! Just look at all the little hats and mittens and wee handbags-to-be in there!

Doesn't that just bring out the Barbie-girl in you to see all that pink-and-fuschia? (Insert sound bite of little girls squealing here)

Araucania Multi sock yarn in tie-dye colorsAraucania Multi sock yarn in pinks and purplesThen the sock yarn... Oh my, it's a new shipment of Araucania hand-dyed sock yarn, so new it hadn't even been priced yet. Wow, first pick of skeins right out of the box!

On the left, some tie-dye colors that the 4-year-old fell in love with. These will become socks and more socks. On the right, shades of bittersweet and rose with a hint of aqua that I just had to have. This will be saved for a special project that even I haven't figured out yet.

So much for the stash-only diet.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on winning that gift certificate. What a windfall! I love the grab bag stash.
