Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Needle Exchange Arrives

I have to show you what my Needle Exchange Pal sent to me. She sent me the greatest stuff!

The first thing I saw when I opened the box was the huge bag of Hershey's Kisses. Mmmm, chocolate. Chocolate enough for weeks to come, chocolate to share if I feel like it. Chocolate is always a good thing. The next thing I found in the box was that cute little pouch. It was lumpy, there was something inside! I opened it to find... a beautiful circular needle of hand carved horn from Nepal! Wow! The final item in the box was a gorgeous hank of hand-dyed Patagonia Nature Cotton-in purple, my favorite color.

Isn't this the very picture of knitterly happiness? A hank of yarn, a set of needles and chocolate. What more could you want?

Thank you Amy for these delights!

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