Here's my first ever felted bag using the Unpattern. I didn't use the same yarn, I used what I had on hand and converted the numbers of stitches and rows in the pattern to my gauge. That's 2 strands of Cascade 220 knit with size #11 US needles (that's 8mm or #0 UK/CAN). My gauge on those needles with that yarn is 3 stitches to the inch, or 12 stitches to 10cm. After felting it measures 12 inches long, 6 inches tall and 3 inches deep.

The short 6" height of the bag made me feel insecure, so I added a zipper to mine. I have an annoying tendency to spill my purse contents all over the floor in awkward places, usually in public at really inconvenient times. With the zipper I feel quite safe - I could throw this thing fully loaded across the street without anything popping out. What a bag!

And, speaking of Kay and her projects, she's got another one to hitch yer wagon to on her blog today - the String Scrubbie Project. It's a charity project. Go on, knit some dishcloths and help Unicef help the tsunami victims. As you can see, I have pulled out my dishcloth book and my most recently knit sample and I plan on knitting those string scrubbies until my knuckles ache. They have free patterns at the website and links to more so, people, go there now!